“Our journey began in 2005 with the eponymous television program on Show TV, which quickly developed into the leading health magazine. Discover some of the most important milestones of the last almost 20 years in our timeline.”

Founding of EuromedicaLife®
Launch of the television program EuromedicaLife® on Show TV
Leading TV Show for Healthcare
EuromedicaLife® is quickly becoming the leading healthcare TV show, informing its audience about the best hospitals, renowned doctors and the most modern treatment methods.
5th Anniversary
Best and most successful TV show for medical treatments and health topics, reaching a significant audience base in the Turkish-European market. Actively placed on the major Turkish TV channels, e.g. STAR-TV and ATV.
Trusted Health Hub
Most trusted point of contact for health travel of European and Turkish patients in Germany, Switzerland and Austria as well as other European countries.
Global Branding
Our new global branding expresses our strengths, our vision and the people-first company we have grown into. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, MEDICALIFE is well positioned to ensure a holistic quality of service for its patients and guests based on the highest safety and hygiene standards.