
Nitrous oxide sedation, also known as “laughing gas,” is a mild sedative method used in dentistry to calm and relax patients during dental procedures. Nitrous oxide is administered through a nasal mask and works quickly by affecting the central nervous system, creating a feeling of relaxation and well-being. It is safe, well-tolerated, and especially useful for patients with dental anxiety or children.


  • Patients with dental anxiety or dental phobia
  • Patients who fear pain or discomfort during the procedure
  • Children who need a calming effect to sit still
  • Individuals with a strong gag reflex
  • Patients requiring longer dental treatments


  1. Preparation: The dentist conducts a thorough medical history and examination to ensure that nitrous oxide sedation is appropriate for the patient. The patient is informed about the sedation process, and questions about their medical history and potential allergies are clarified.
  2. Administration: A nasal mask is placed over the patient’s nose, through which they inhale a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. The concentration of nitrous oxide is adjusted individually to achieve the desired level of sedation. Relaxation effects are typically felt within minutes.
  3. Sedation: During sedation, the patient remains awake and responsive but feels relaxed and carefree. Nitrous oxide can induce a feeling of lightness or a slight tingling sensation in the arms and legs. The dentist can adjust the amount of nitrous oxide as needed throughout the procedure.
  4. Conclusion: After the dental procedure is completed, the nitrous oxide supply is stopped, and the patient breathes pure oxygen to quickly remove the nitrous oxide from the body. The effects of the nitrous oxide wear off within a few minutes, and the patient can usually leave the office without an escort.
  5. Aftercare: Nitrous oxide has no long-term side effects, allowing patients to return to their normal activities immediately after treatment in most cases. The dentist may provide additional aftercare instructions if necessary.


  • Quick and effective method for calming and relaxing patients
  • Safe and well-tolerated with minimal side effects
  • No need for injections or oral sedatives
  • Patient remains awake and responsive during the procedure
  • Rapid recovery after the sedation ends