
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a traditional hair transplant method where a strip of skin is removed from the donor area, usually at the back of the head. The harvested strip is then dissected into individual follicular units, each containing 1 to 4 hair follicles, under a microscope. These follicular units are subsequently implanted into the recipient area to restore a natural hairline and density. FUT allows for the transplantation of a large number of hair follicles in a single session, making it an efficient method for patients requiring substantial coverage.


  • Androgenetic alopecia (genetic hair loss)
  • Patients with significant hair loss who desire maximum density and coverage
  • Patients with a stable donor zone and good hair quality in the donor area
  • Individuals preferring a single, large-volume hair transplant
  • Patients less concerned about a linear scar on the back of the head


  1. Preparation: The patient’s scalp is cleaned and locally anesthetized to make the procedure pain-free. The surgeon marks the donor and recipient areas and prepares them for surgery.
  2. Strip Harvesting: A strip of skin containing hair follicles is removed from the donor area at the back of the head. The donor site is then closed with fine sutures, resulting in a linear scar usually concealed by the surrounding hair.
  3. Dissection of Follicular Units: The harvested strip is dissected into individual follicular units under a microscope in a specialized lab. This meticulous dissection minimizes damage to the hair follicles and ensures that the transplanted units are healthy and viable.
  4. Implantation: The surgeon creates small channels or slits in the recipient area where the prepared follicular units are implanted. The positioning and alignment of the follicles are carefully controlled to ensure natural hair growth and an aesthetically pleasing hairline.
  5. Aftercare: After the procedure, the patient receives instructions on caring for the scalp and new hair follicles. Regular follow-up visits with the doctor are necessary to monitor the healing process and avoid potential complications. Sutures in the donor area are usually removed after about 10 to 14 days.


  • Ability to transplant a large number of hair follicles in a single session
  • High survival rate of transplanted hair follicles due to precise microscopic dissection
  • Achieves a natural hairline and density
  • Efficient method for patients with extensive hair loss
  • Long-lasting results with proper care and follow-up