Varicose vein treatment

General Description: Varicose veins, also known as varices, are enlarged and twisted veins that primarily occur in the legs. They develop when the valves in the veins, which regulate blood flow to the heart, do not function properly, causing blood to pool. This can lead to swollen, twisted, and visible veins under the skin’s surface.…

Cosmetic treatments & dermatology

Anti-aging and skin rejuvenation Anti-aging and skin rejuvenation are now possible through various aesthetic procedures. Here are some of the common terms and techniques used in this context: Smooth Eye PRP Vampire Facelift Wrinkle Treatments Facelift (face tightening) Mesotherapy Dermal Filler (Hyaluronic Acid) Botox injections These techniques offer customized solutions for different anti-aging and skin…