General Description:

The PRP Vampire Facelift, also known as PRP facial treatment (Platelet-Rich Plasma), is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin. This treatment involves drawing the patient’s blood, which is then centrifuged to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This plasma, rich in growth factors, is then injected into the skin to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and reduce wrinkles. The term “Vampire Facelift” comes from the use of the patient’s own blood in the treatment.


The PRP Vampire Facelift is indicated for:

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, especially in areas like the forehead, eyes, and mouth.
  • Skin Laxity: Improving skin tightness and firmness to lift sagging or loose skin.
  • Uneven Skin Tone and Texture: Enhancing skin discolorations and uneven texture by promoting collagen production and cell regeneration.
  • Scars and Acne Scars: Treating scars, including acne scars, by promoting skin regeneration and collagen production.
  • Skin Rejuvenation: General improvement of skin appearance to achieve a more youthful, radiant look.


  1. Description:
    The PRP Vampire Facelift is a three-step process: blood collection, PRP preparation, and PRP injection. It is an outpatient procedure performed in a doctor’s office or clinic and typically takes about an hour.
  2. Procedure:
    • Blood Collection: A small amount of blood (usually about 20-30 ml) is drawn from the patient’s arm vein.
    • PRP Preparation: The collected blood is processed in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells and plasma. The platelet-rich plasma, which is rich in growth factors and regenerative proteins, is isolated and drawn into a syringe.
    • PRP Injection: The patient’s skin is cleansed, and a local anesthetic cream is applied to minimize discomfort. The PRP is then injected with fine needles into the desired facial areas. The injection process can be combined with microneedling to enhance PRP absorption and further promote skin regeneration.
  3. Advantages:
    • Natural Results: Since PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood, there is a low risk of allergic reactions or rejection. The result is a natural and youthful appearance.
    • Minimally Invasive: The procedure does not require surgery and is minimally invasive, with little to no downtime.
    • Safety: The procedure is considered safe as it uses the patient’s cells and growth factors.
    • Versatility: The PRP Vampire Facelift can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to achieve more comprehensive aesthetic improvements.
  4. Disadvantages:
    • Temporary Side Effects: Common side effects include redness, swelling, bruising, and mild pain at the injection sites, which typically resolve within a few days.
    • Varied Results: The results of the PRP Vampire Facelift can vary depending on the patient’s age, skin type, and skin condition. Multiple treatments may be needed to achieve optimal results.
    • Cost: The PRP Vampire Facelift can be expensive, and the costs are usually not covered by insurance since it is a cosmetic procedure.
    • Recovery Time: Although minimally invasive, it can take a few days for the skin to fully heal after the treatment and for any side effects to subside.


The PRP Vampire Facelift is a popular, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that harnesses the body’s natural healing abilities to tighten the skin and improve appearance. Despite potential side effects and costs, the procedure offers a safe and effective way for many patients to revitalize their skin and maintain a youthful appearance. A thorough consultation with a qualified specialist is important to determine if the PRP Vampire Facelift is the right choice for the patient’s individual needs and goals.